About this course
If we are to overcome the threats facing the climate and biological diversity, we must change both how food is produced and the way in which we behave as consumers. Together we can be part of the solution and eat our way to a planet in balance – #Eat4Change. The course comprises five segments:
1. Eat for the climate,
2. Keep short-termism off the plate,
3. Should locally sourced food always be your first choice?,
4. Curb food waste,
5. Ready to become an Eat4Changer?!
The segments are a mix of sustainable cooking lessons, social interaction in the kitchen and at the dinner table that leverage understanding and promote the realization of how food issues are connected to the threats our planet is facing.
You can take the course with a group of friends , your classmates or together with your family.
Some terms on this course are still in Swedish. You will see Swedish words on buttons and markers. We have created a mini dictionary for you to be able to navigate through the course.
- Gå kursen – Take Course
- Kursens innehåll – Course content
- Pågående – Ongoing
- Lektionsavsnitt – Lesson Section
- Innehåll – Content
- Slutfört – Completed
- Klarmarkera – Mark as Done
- Nästa tema – Next Theme
- Föregående tema – Previous Theme
- Gå tillbaka till kurs – Go Back to Course
- Visa alla – Show All
- Startsidan – Startpage
- Kontakt – Contact
- Om oss – About Us

This course delivers:
- Planet-smart recipes,
- Clever quizzes,
- Apps, labelling, and other tools,
- Food challenges from WWF experts,
- Kitchen tips from the chef.
Eat4Change – is an EU-funded project in which WWF and partners strive to introduce young people to a more sustainable lifestyle driven by food choices. This course is part of that effort.