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Your turn – speaking scrappish
Now it’s your turn to try speaking scrappish! Try to match the terms below with the correct explanation.
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- Someone who eats everything on the plate and doesn’t throw anything away.
- Blending a smoothie from fruit that is getting too old.
- To extend shelf life by looking, smelling, and tasting.
- To cut away the mould on the rind of a bit of hard cheese – there is no risk involved in eating the other parts.
#alltätare [allt-äta:reh’] ’alltätare’ literally means ’Everything eater’ . ‘Allätare’ (all eater) is the Swedish word for ’omnivore’.
#befrukta [be:fruktah’] The Swedish word ‘befrukta’ means ‘fructify’ ‘impregnate’.
#bäst-före-snooza [’bästföre-snoozah] Best-before sniffing
#dekantera [de-kant:erah’] When it comes to bread, ‘kant’ means crust.
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- Storing vegetables in the fridge so they last longer.
- To compose new dishes from ingredients that would otherwise be thrown away.
- Detecting an item that is approaching its best-before date.
- To slice a loaf of bread and freeze it. Good for single households.
#grönchilla [grön-tjillah’] Greenchill
#kaoskomponera [’kaos:komp-ånerah] Chaoscompose
#klimatklipp [klim:at-klipp’] Climatebargain
#studentskiva [student:skivah’] Skiva can both mean ‘slice’ and ‘party’
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Good luck!
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- When yesterday’s dinner tastes even better the next day.
- Festive dish made from leftover rice.
- To call home and check what can be found at home before buying anything.
#svinntage [svinn-tidjsch’] This is a play on the English word ‘vintage’
#restotto [’rest:ottoh] This construction is a word play on the dish ‘risotto’ and ‘rest’ which means ‘remainder’.
#restsamtal [rest-samtahl’] ’Remainders call’