Sustainability labels to look out for
Some environmental labels will help you choose climate-smarter options. It’s a good idea to know about these and to keep your eyes peeled for them:

KRAV: KRAV labelled food is organically produced without using unnatural chemical pesticides and without artificial fertilizers, and sets especially high demands regarding environment care, the climate, animal welfare and working conditions..

Svenskt sigill Klimatcertifiering: Swedish Climate Seal This certification is only used for food and flowers from Swedish growers and farmers working hard to reduce their climate impact by taking concrete measures throughout production. The most important rules concern the choice of feed, nitrogen fertilizers, animal welfare and energy efficiency. This label can be applied to products from certified cultivation/animal husbandry.

Rainforest Alliance/UTZ Certified: The Rainforest Alliance works to preserve biodiversity and create sustainable livelihood opportunities. This label covers environmental, social, and economic requirements, with a focus on climate-smart cultivation methods. The Rainforest Alliance and UTZ merged in 2018 and now have a common certification standard.